Magnification Benefits
The Unaided eye can see 200 microns
Microscope at 20X = 10 microns (Bacteria = 1 micron)
Dr Bob Winter, who teaches at Spear Education states: "Rather than what you think you see, magnification is the reality since you are seeing what actually exists."
Procedures Requiring Resolution Greater than the Unaided Eye
Crown Margin Finishing
Sealing Root Surfaces
Perio Primary Incisions
Perio Wound Closure
Canal Orifice Identification [Eg, Seeing and treating MB2]
Caries Removal
Perforation Repairs
Post Placement
Bone Grafting
Soft-Tissue Grafting

Stereoptic vision of Microscope prevents the eyestrain that convergent vision of loupes requires.

Conclusion: Loupes are a small step toward magnification but they lack the ergonomic benefits and the power and accuracy of the Microscope.